Stanza Performances. Using custom software 2004.

These performaces use custom software artworks onto multiple projectors creating a unique audio visual space. The most recent performances uses six data projectors and four custom built 20 inch touch screens to trigger the screens.

The Arts Depot in North London,

DorkBot in Ghent Belguim,
The Samsung Media Centre Korea,
The DANA Centre London for Cybersonica, Delux in London,
open-digi Brixton,
Test Portal Holland,
Digifest inToronto, BDS in Shanghai China,
The Museo Tamayo in Mexico City.
Colchester Arts Centre

Performance In Korea 2004
The digital generative custom coded software are projected to at least eight projectors connected to touch screens or latops . The sounds are generating and they are fed into custom made software. This is a more ambient and colourful performance. They are digital paintings exposed as a generative and ambient event. The performances can also use four custom made touch screens which enables the audienc to come up and interact in the performance.

Time: around one hour

DNA performance touch screen performance 2002

stanza Performances.

stanza Performances.Touch Screen Performance

stanza music . Performances.

Performance..Multiplicity..Live CCTV and networked city sounds 2002

stannza music event and performance 1999

Performance using live CCTV.

The performance mixes a network of cameras in the performance space, with outside CCTV cameras, to make re-contextualising these images and sounds in real time. The result is a real time audio visual performative spectacle. The images gathered are fused with Stanza’s coded audio visual experiments using CCTV systems. Global live cctv cameras will also be mixed in , grabbing these images in real time off the internet. The work incorporates city soundscapes and found sounds that are processed and mixed into a performance. The inside of the space uses wireless cameras so that the public become part of the performative space.

The artwork uses images from the cameras and blends them together to make a collage, a real time image of the city space. Please note as opposed to a recorded process this is a real time experience.

Performed at DanaCentre London 2005 and also as part of Node london in Peckham 2006.

Performance title......"Soundcities...

Stanza music Performance.

Soundcities performance uses sounds from my website. SOUNDCITIES DATABASE: An online open source database of city sounds from around the world, that can be  listened  to, used in performances on laptops, or played on  mobiles via wireless networks.

The performance mixes a network of CCTV cameras, to   re-contextualize these images and sounds in real time. The  result  is a real time audio visual performative spectacle. The  images  gathered are fused with Stanza’s coded audio visual  experiments  using CCTV systems. Global live cctv cameras are mixed in ,  grabbing these images in real time off the  internet. The work  incorporates city soundscapes and found sounds  that are processed  and mixed into a performance.

Soundcities Installation

Stanza music installtion

Performance title......"The Central City"
stanza music performance 2000

Mixing, 'the central city', applications and websites on three laptops to generate sound control data and image data. Live and dynamic net connections input new images into the mixed visual stream. The visual element comes from the website the central city ( "central city" and "inner city" or from the new "soundmaps" and "visual cities" series. The output sounds are then remixed.

Performance Time: around 40mins

Presented at numerous venues.

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Music and art performances copyright (c) 1982 - 2014 Stanza All artists rights reserved.