The Last Supper By Stanza.


Exhibition. Performative Installation Event

Twelve guests were invited to this Last Supper and literally ate the artwork the artist created off a custom built table made of computer parts. The guests ate especially made Sushi which was presented as a data message in the form of binary code. This message was eaten by the twelve guests. After the guests had eaten the coded message they each then gave a message back which were in turn turned into binary. The selected and exclusive audience shared their intimate secrets that were then placed online in binary code. Presented at The Lanternhouse, Ulverston, 3rd Feb 2010.


Computers 'talk' in binary, their souls convey messages in 10101 (zeros and ones). A city of bits with an embedded coded message was eaten by twelve disciples who bared their souls to the city of bits.

The audience eats the code. (Picture)

The Last Supper. Data Food Performance and Installation.

The message that was eaten and made from sushi on top of "The City of Bits"..... was. There but for the grace of God, go I. 


Above image shows the sushi being laid out in binary to be eaten by the guests. The audience ate the artwork. After eating, the guests (audience) bared their souls in analogue form and these texts have been re made as binary uploaded into cyberspace and now held online as part of the digital soul.

Exhibition. Installation and Performance

This event "The Last Supper" is available for licence and for touring. If you would like to have this event as a special event for an art gallery please get in touch.

What is it?
1.Sushi (cuts 0 and 1) binary message are placed on the table and become part of the artwork
2.Silver chip city made of computer bits and chips around middle with hand drawn map and code by Stanza. The City of Bit.
3.Bowl for messages in middle. (To bare ones Soul)
4.Suspended [hardware] tracks movement and generative software visualization projected down on to table.(The Panoptic eye will watch over us)
5. Atmospheric sound of cities for disorientation.
Event time 60 – 90 Mins
6. Stanza informal talk including. 20 mins introduction talk.  'Where is the Soul in digital?'. Stanza spoke about wetware, hardware, DNA and the analogue digital divide, as well as privilege and the idea of full economic costs.

The Last Supper is also the title of a 15th century mural painting in Milan created by Leonardo da Vinci.
The Last Supper portrays the reaction given by each apostle when Jesus said one of them would betray him. (Bartholomew, James, Andrew,Judas, Peter, John, Jesus, Thomas, James the Greater, Philip, Matthew, Jude and Simon)

The Last Supper. Data Food Performance and Installation.

Above image by Stanza: "The Last Supper". Ulverston 3. 2. 2010.

In Theosophy the soul is the field of our psychological activity (thinking, emotions, memory, desires, will, and so on) as well as of the so-called paranormal or psychic phenomena (extrasensory perception, out-of-body experiences, etc.). However, the soul is not the highest, but a middle dimension of human beings. Higher than the soul is the spirit, which is considered to be the real self; the source of everything we call “good”—happiness, wisdom, love, compassion, harmony, peace, etc. While the spirit is eternal and incorruptible, the soul is not (ie the Soul is corruptible). The soul acts as a link between the material body and the spiritual self, and therefore shares some characteristics of both. The soul can be attracted either towards the spiritual or towards the material realm, being thus the “battlefield” of good and evil. It is only when the soul is attracted towards the spiritual and merges with the Self that it becomes eternal and divine.

An oft-encountered analogy is that the brain is to the mind as computer hardware is to computer software. The idea of the mind as software has led some scientists to use the word "soul" to emphasize their belief that the human mind has powers beyond or at least qualitatively different from what artificial software can do. Roger Penrose suggests that the mind is in fact not like a computer as generally understood, but rather a quantum computer, that can do things impossible on a classical computer, such as decide the halting problem (although quantum computers in actuality cannot do any more than a regular Turing machine, including deciding the halting problem, they can in theory solve problems that would require billions of years for linear algorithms on the fastest computers in the world in minutes or seconds). Some have located the soul in this possible difference between the mind and a classical computer. (from wikipedia)

During the event Stanza also generated real time news feeds, random live city sounds, and live CCTV that is be culled from the internet and brought into the gallery area.


Stanza:2010. Title. The Last Supper. A City of Bits. Continuing the search for the Soul of the City.




Questions posed to the guests at the last supper

1. What is the worst thing that’s happened to you, the single most damaging event that has had a corrupting effect on your soul?
2. What is the single event you can remember that has made you happy or has worked; that has given your soul a positive good?

The answers are below in binary from the guests and the last supper.

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Images from the performance and the table the audience ate off.


Image above shows, The Last Supper and the guests.

Images from the table "The Last Supper".

All artwork (c) copyright Stanza. 2010. No reproduction rights without written permission.

Artwork By British artist Stanza. Artwork By British artist Stanza.
Artwork By British artist Stanza. Artwork By British artist Stanza.
Artwork By British artist Stanza. All artwork (c) copyright Stanza. 2010. No reproduction rights without written permission.

Précis of text for talk.

The Last Supper and The City of Bits. Searching for the Soul of the Digital.

Can the analogue soul can be measured, by analyzing change over time. The comparable DNA code and its evolution over time could illustrates or visualize the Soul. A comparative analysis using software might gather data about this change and hence the Soul can be visualized and made real. Our code stripped bare; presented for others to see all the corrupting changes of our lifetime experiences and our environmental impact on our lives, as a string of code.  (ATTGCCCATGT)
So we can be represented as code DNA ACTG, we are wetware computers, and we evolve, the DNA changes. Our own operating system evolves the code changes; so as the DNA changes and ours Souls evolve. In Theosophy the soul is not the highest, but a middle dimension of human beings. The soul acts as a link between the material body and the spiritual self. The soul can be attracted either towards the spiritual or towards the material realm, being thus the “battlefield” of good and evil.
If modernist science one of the great break through's was the discovery of atoms. Now moving air displaces binary; this stuff can be measured. The whole world can be represent as code as 01010 virtually by this displacement. Computers 'talk' in binary, their souls convey messages in 10101 (zeros and ones). A city of bits with coded messages was eaten by twelve disciples who bared their souls to the city of bits. The food on the table is made as a binary message. The guests provide analogue messages that will be made digital and put online. We put bits of ours souls in the digital, as an archive as an assets base. The text was coded in simple binary place on the website.

As an artist essentially I do three things. Collect assets data, visualize them and think of ways to display the outputs. In the The Last Supper, I am collecting (assets) analogue messages that have been translated and displayed simply in binary online in the virtual world. In the gallery, live CTTV and live news etc, information brought into the space, from around the world in real time, never the same always changing. These works question the real time experiences in the world.
By experiencing this event in an art gallery we become the privileged, elite, set apart from the flow of visitors. We are participants locked inside this space, invited here, to experience an event and become part of the spectacle.  Whereas the online work can be seen globally, the work on show in the gallery is made for this select audience. A recent survey of my site stats showed that my websites gets 44 million hits 4.4 visitors.  A huge audience. Here inside the gallery for the last supper the audience is 12.

The Last Supper portrays the reaction given by each apostle when Jesus said one of them would betray him.

Full economic costing. What people give, and take. I believe fully in the sharing of the experience of the artistic process, and this artwork and talk was designed to be specifically aesthetically spectacular so it also became about the people who missed out. Artist talks disseminate the artist’s ideas and intellectual property, and as such can cause issues about the diffusion of ideas and who they belong to. Artists are often asked to give talks and share ideas and these ideas get sown as memes influencing real time experience, and creating new stuff in the world.

Credits Line

Thanks to Lanternhouse International for hosting staffing, and facilitating this event.
The talk was part of the Folly digital lunch series of events. This was free event for the audience.


This event The Last Supper is available for sale, for licence and for touring.

If you would like to have this as a special event for an art gallery or corporate event.

All artwork (c) Stanza. No reproduction rights without written permission.

The Last Supper. Data Food Performance and Installation.